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Teddy bear paper trunk box with window

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Code A12.20.46
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Measures: cm 14,5 x 7 x 16 H
Spazio riempibile: 9 x 6 x 6 H - Grammatura: 250 g - Può contenere fino a 16 cioccolatini tipo Baci Perugina
Assortment: 2 fantasie
Use: Container

Teddy bear paper trunk boxes with window and bow design 14zero3
Teddy bear paper trunk boxes with window and bow design 14zero3
Measures: cm 14,5 x 7 x 16 H
Spazio riempibile: 9 x 6 x 6 H - Grammatura: 250 g - Può contenere fino a 16 cioccolatini tipo Baci Perugina
Assortment: 2 fantasie
Use: Container

Teddy bear paper trunk boxes with window and bow design 14zero3
is part of the following designs :
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Discover also:
"Birba Bear" paper trunk box with window
cm 14,5 x 7 x 15 H
Via delle Industrie, 40
13856 Vigliano BI
P.I. 02721590020 - C.C.I.A.A. 208469 - Iscr. Trib. N. 23253
IBAN: IT37R0306922300100000005041 Intesa San Paolo